I think this is something along the lines of what a proper fan-site might put together but in my case it will be a lumbering list of links that I shall attempt to update as and when the mood takes my flighty, little brain.

The shiny official website is here and it will be updated with stuff in a manner spookily similar to the regularity I deploy on this blog.

What one site lacks in glossy pictures and pithy quotes, it makes up for in wordy bits of information.
So what did those Amerrricans think of the film? They saw it before any of us homeys, after all. The film was so well received at SXSW that it won the Best Midnight Feature nod so here are some links to the ejaculations of over-excited geekboys. Video interviews are here.
The next big public schmoozefest was at the Kapow Comic Con and I've been patiently thrumming my fingers in anticipation that someone might host some of the stuff that was recorded. They're probably waiting until nearer the release date.
and finally, a place to put all the items that defy categorisation.
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