Adam was kind enough to make this shoutout for #TwitSquadron and Kimika while he was at Glastonbury and I hope to have an album of tweeted photos up very soon.

Speaking of Stephen! Some of you may know that the originator of this worldwide phenomenon is none other than Steve Curran but it turns out that just before Stephenage reached it's peak, Joe met with another Mr S Curran. You'll hopefully remember that he joined in a podcast for One Life Left back in January 2009. One of the OLL regular contributors is Ste Curran. I like silly things like that.
The lovely team at 6Music made a gallery of photos from Glastonbury. Those really do look like rather uncomfortable working conditions to spend three hours a day in. It seems they hardly had enough room to perch opposite James, there. Hopefully, we will soon see James Hood's final picture and perhaps some photos sent in by Black Squadron members who were lucky enough to meet their Commanders at Glastonbury.
The admirable row created by those troupes has been blended with the now all too familiar images.
If you remember how the Taffin thing started, you'll remember other wonky deliveries in films were discussed and Funny Or Die have put many of those mentioned together in one page.
We may not have been able to see much of Adam and Joe during their Glastonbury broadcasts but they left their mark in the Portakabin if you look to the right of Robin Ince (his left)
Jaguar Skills has been noodling with with Adam's wonderful Podcast Grooves. I do recommend you spend some time poking around his channel.
Simon Naylor clearly has even more time on his hands than I do as he's been compiling Spotify playlists from the 2011 Adam and Joe shows.
Andy made little edit mash-up thingumy from a 6Music show and some Labyrinth footage.
Here's a reminder of The Sabotage Times' roundup of their favourite Adam and Joe bits.
By Royal Appointment:

Hollywood must beside themselves with Willie and Katie anticipation so I can only imagine how Joe must be feeling. I doubt he could have envisaged this back in the days when he was working on 'Attack the Estate'.
The New Beverley Cinema showed Attack the Block for their Independence Day film on Monday. Joe joined Edgar on stage afterwards for a Q & A.

Trina Marie made John Boyega's day by tweeting this.
John was named as one of Screen International's Stars of Tomorrow last week. He has been taken on by one of Hollywood's most prestigious agents and gave this exclusive interview to
John was named as one of Screen International's Stars of Tomorrow last week. He has been taken on by one of Hollywood's most prestigious agents and gave this exclusive interview to
He also joined Edgar Wright after a screening at the L.A. Film Festival for a Q & A. This film shows a brief clip from it.
Lovable Tramp News:
Silent Library, for which Adam is doing the commentary, airs it's first episode next Tuesday on Five's digital channel, Five Star. This season will run for six weeks and they have optimistically referred to it as 'Series One'. You can follow the show on Twitter too.
Returning to the Bowie Basket, Den of Geek have rightfully placed Adam at the top of their list of on-screen Bowie impressions.
Lovable Tramp News:

Returning to the Bowie Basket, Den of Geek have rightfully placed Adam at the top of their list of on-screen Bowie impressions.
Somebody tweeted about a 'top secret' project that Adam is involved in but it's top secret, you see. We shall be given details when they're good and ready.
In the meantime, Adam blogged about his Edinburgh trip and looked back at some older videos.
Tickets for the Norwich based BUG8 are on sale now and Adam will also be taking BUG to the Cheltenham Film Festival in November.
Just before going on stage for BUG25 at the BFI, Adam spoke to Hannah Clark about life and stuff in this beautiful interview. Take a few moments to read this as it's lovely, candid stuff.
Adam cycled through torrential rain to show his support for the National Autistic Society's special evening at the Carter Steam Fair on Eel Brook Common and recorded this message.
Janine Shroff made the wonderful Adam and Joe Guide a couple of years ago and her work has been used in both the top and bottom banners of the 6Music website. She has been working on a couple of updates including a wonderful Scorn Bucket and a Boggins page.

The other night Rupert live tweeted from the Rooftop screening of Labyrinth. I should have been cross that he was shining his torch phone all over the area but I have to admit is was a bit of fun.
Amongst all the excitement of Attack the Block's UK release, I managed to miss this priceless offering from Chris Salt.
If all that isn't enough of a diversion, I need to make sure that every living soul on the planet has now seen this at least once.
Finishing up with a Vimeo link to David Wilson's Nokia N8 commercial. It's a gorgeously silly thing.
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